Dear Ms. Su:The note book as put in the table, in which the comments as brought up by you and the volunteers noted, is quite useful for the mutual understanding of your instruction, clarification on some concepts, and assisting us to solve the problems as we met. The idea is really fantastic and reminds me of the similar notebook for recording what happened during the duty shift of the engineers and/or operators as I worked for Tao-Yuan refinery around 30 years ago. Thanks.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear RobertThanks for your support, I deeply appreciate.
Dear Ms. Su:Thanks for the comment at the last minute after seeing the movie" 春心蕩漾" , one of the training course for this year at the lantern festival night. I was ever complanied by my colleagues why I couldn't be the helper of my relatives when they have met some problems. After your ecplanation, via the actual film, I finally know the reaon why and can strongly convince them next time I am inappropriate to do so due to the double or triple inter-relationship among us. It's true that we have our own value, our self-expectation to our clients, etc.once the more relationship exists.Best RegardsRObert Li
Dear RobertI am so glad to hear your feedback, it's a good insight. I believe that you will have different action to face the issue of the double or triple inter-relationship. It's not easy, we do not want to see the other one of inter-relationship heart and in trouble, so we expect to help them as soon as possible. I think it could be undersood.
Dear Ms. Su:Your prompt respnse is highly appreciated.1000 words limitation should be referred to the Chinese characters. If it is also applicalbe to English alphabet instead of word, then the contents will be limited. My oriignal comment for yesterday night movie is with three paragraphs, but shortened due to this limitation.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Ms. Su:畢竟督導看得更為深層,互相為對方犧牲,現實面,有無較自私些、卻兩全其美之處?Regarding the sticker with name,training course,credits, etc. it's quite convenient to us. However, the time consuming work must make you exhausted. Your thoughtful consideration is really appreicated. One alternative,is it possible to shorten the sticker via chops with training date, and training unit? Robert
Dear Grace:As the insturction announced- the maximum allowable times for shift revision of Piece line will be twice quarterly. I am afraid some guys,who are working for the international company and go abroad frequently, will lose the qualification as the Piece line volunteer sooner or later under this regulation. Regulation is regulation,it seems we got no choice to change the fact. Robert
Dear Grace:Good day!Your understanding and prompt response is highly appreciated.For Mar. 4th night's course regarding 亞斯伯格症孩童, I am sorry that I am unable to attend due to an international meeting in Bankok and visit my clients there though I have registered said course from the early beginning.If you need me to bring anything back, please don't hesitate to bring it up.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Grace:Thanks. It's a pity that I am unable to join. And it seems no one would like to feedback after learning in the futue. Otherwise, I can understad a little bit from the inter-communication and/or feedbacks. Robert
Dear Grace:During this Sunday's duty shift I was lucky to have the chance to join the discussion with some guys who had attened the course regarding Asperger Syndrome though I didn't join since staying in foreign country. Suyuan mentioned that she had nephews in U.S. with this kind of Syndrome, they were very sensitive to the arithmatics, though only selected specific food for meals in their childhood. And fortunately they were educated in U.S.which provided with the resource for this kind of patients.Suihuei mentioned she had also met these cases during her part-time job in the hospital now after retirement. Ponyu reflected that she didn't fully understood the contents of 我家的火星小孩from the beginning, after Q and A in said course, she had much more understood the contents.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Robert謝謝你帶回的禮物,真是麻煩你了,不過因此知道你回來了,真高興。認識亞斯伯格症兒童,那堂課可以增加不少對這類兒童的認識,可惜你不在。不過相信你們討論後,也會有許多收穫。希望下堂課:強迫症,也讓大家收穫滿滿。
Dear Grace:Don't mention it. We have learned quite a lot from your blog. Besides, your efforts to prepare a huge table, in which what course we need to attend to be filled in, as announced in the bullitin board after reflecting by the volunteer, must spend a lot of your precious time once more. we are really impressed by your thoughtful action. Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Grace:Please be informed that the notice of Spring journey has been received yesterday. Make most of the envelope, which is supplemented with telephone numbers of the relevant organizations, and what clinic service to be provided, is really a good idea. Thanks. Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Grace:Your arrangement so that I can return to the original shift is highly appreciated. Your documentation work must be perfect to remember all details.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Grace:Please advise the due date of registration for the journey to nei-Don. I must put the money in the letter box on schedule.Your assistance is appreciated.Best RegardsRobert Li
Dear Grace:Thanks.BgdsRobert
Dear Ms. Su:昨天早晨之個人中心學派學程,相信與會者均給與宋老師極高之評價,謝謝中心之安排。唱做俱佳之表現、並經由三本繪圖本詮釋以往朗朗上口、卻難以口語述說清楚之三項助人者特質。讓LKK的我們大開眼界;固然忙碌使得我們疏忽了這些繪本潛移默化之功能。無宋師之耐性及咬字之清晰,相信個人研讀絕無法體會及瞭解這麼豐盛。小點點繪本激勵人之手法,暴風雪下之北極熊高EQ之對白,小丑詰問公主月亮距離、尺寸、材料之方式亦凸顯昔日自己急於獻策予客戶之拙劣手法。32個臉孔亦告誡自己是否已經變得面目可憎,猷不自知。我深信宋師也會如心靈捕手中之主角一般在諮商領域裡大放異彩。祝福她!Best RegardsRObert Li
Dear Ms. Su:
回覆刪除The note book as put in the table, in which the comments as
brought up
by you and the volunteers noted, is quite useful for the
understanding of your instruction, clarification on some
concepts, and
assisting us to solve the problems as we met. The idea is
fantastic and reminds me of the similar notebook for recording
happened during the duty shift of the engineers and/or
operators as I
worked for Tao-Yuan refinery around 30 years ago. Thanks.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Robert
回覆刪除Thanks for your support, I deeply appreciate.
Dear Ms. Su:
回覆刪除Thanks for the comment at the last minute after seeing the movie" 春心蕩
漾" , one of the training course for this year at the lantern festival
I was ever complanied by my colleagues why I couldn't be the helper of
my relatives when they have met some problems. After your
ecplanation, via the actual film, I finally know the reaon why and can
strongly convince them next time I am inappropriate to do so due to
the double or triple inter-relationship among us. It's true that we
have our own value, our self-expectation to our clients, etc.once the
more relationship exists.
Best Regards
RObert Li
Dear Robert
回覆刪除I am so glad to hear your feedback, it's a good insight. I believe
that you will have different action to face the issue of the double or
triple inter-relationship. It's not easy, we do not want to see the
other one of inter-relationship heart and in trouble, so we expect to
help them as soon as possible. I think it could be undersood.
Dear Ms. Su:
回覆刪除Your prompt respnse is highly appreciated.
1000 words limitation should be referred to the Chinese
characters. If it is also applicalbe to English alphabet
instead of word, then the contents will be limited.
My oriignal comment for yesterday night movie is with three
paragraphs, but shortened due to this limitation.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Ms. Su:
Regarding the sticker with name,training
course,credits, etc. it's quite convenient to us.
However, the time consuming work must make you
exhausted. Your thoughtful consideration is really
appreicated. One alternative,is it possible to
shorten the sticker via chops with training date, and
training unit?
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除As the insturction announced- the maximum allowable times for shift
revision of Piece line will be twice quarterly. I am afraid some
guys,who are working for the international company and go abroad
frequently, will lose the qualification as the Piece line volunteer
sooner or later under this regulation.
Regulation is regulation,it seems we got no choice to change the fact.
回覆刪除Dear Grace:
回覆刪除Good day!
Your understanding and prompt response is highly appreciated.
For Mar. 4th night's course regarding 亞斯伯格症孩童, I am sorry that I
am unable to attend due to an international meeting in Bankok and
visit my clients there though I have registered said course from the
early beginning.
If you need me to bring anything back, please don't hesitate to bring
it up.
Best Regards
Robert Li
回覆刪除Dear Grace:
It's a pity that I am unable to join.
And it seems no one would like to feedback after learning in the
futue. Otherwise, I can understad a little bit from the inter-
communication and/or feedbacks.
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除During this Sunday's duty shift I was lucky to have the chance to join
the discussion with some guys who had attened the course regarding
Asperger Syndrome though I didn't join since staying in foreign
Suyuan mentioned that she had nephews in U.S. with this kind of
Syndrome, they were very sensitive to the arithmatics, though only
selected specific food for meals in their childhood. And fortunately
they were educated in U.S.which provided with the resource for this
kind of patients.
Suihuei mentioned she had also met these cases during her part-time
job in the hospital now after retirement.
Ponyu reflected that she didn't fully understood the contents of 我家的
火星小孩from the beginning, after Q and A in said course, she had much
more understood the contents.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Robert
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除Don't mention it. We have learned quite a lot from your blog. Besides,
your efforts to prepare a huge table, in which what course we need to
attend to be filled in, as announced in the bullitin board after
reflecting by the volunteer, must spend a lot of your precious time
once more. we are really impressed by your thoughtful action.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除Please be informed that
the notice of Spring journey has been received
yesterday. Make most of the envelope, which is
supplemented with telephone numbers of the relevant
organizations, and what clinic service to be
provided, is really a good idea. Thanks.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除Your arrangement so that I can return to the
shift is highly appreciated. Your documentation
must be perfect to remember all details.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Grace:
回覆刪除Please advise the due date of registration for the journey to nei-Don. I must
put the money in the letter box on schedule.
Your assistance is appreciated.
Best Regards
Robert Li
Dear Grace:
Dear Ms. Su:
Best Regards
RObert Li